
Monday 30 August 2010

Water Butt and green tomato mincemeat

My lovely son played 'man' today and helped me install a water butt into the back garden, in the pouring rain. I'm hoping to connect my watering system upto it for next year. I figured there is no point this year as I am coming to the end of garden cropping time and can use the exiating system until winter when it needs to come out anyway. I have a timer on the watering system, but it connects to a tap with a screw thread and I want to connect it to the tap on the water butt, so I will have to see if I can find a connector (suggestions welcome).

I love mince pies at christmas so as I'm going to have a bumper tomato crop so thought Id make use of some of those green tomatoes early.

I spent a few hours making green tomato mock mincemeat with the green tomatoes in the garden.

I was pleasantly suprised with the results and now have 3 large jars of mincemeat for my christmas mince pies, yummy.

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