
Friday, 18 February 2011

Preparations for planting

I have my potatoes chitting in the conservatory, and boy will I have alot of potatoes this year. I ordered enough potatoes for the spud break and then stupidly forgot and ordered a whole load more. Imagine my suprise when they all arrived and Im suddenly wondering where I will put them all! Closely planted spuds this year then. I have also saved a bag of earlies and have them chilling in the fridge, to start later in the year in time for Christmas.

Ive also picked up a handy little tip and have stated my onion sets off, indoors, in peat pots. When the wether is a bit warmer I'll plant them out, pot and all. That will give me a head start. I only had enough pots for about half the onions, so I'll plant the rest out directly in the soil and then will have onions ready at different times, hopefully.

I have also started some spanish onions from seed. I tried seed a few years ago, with not much luck as I only got tiny onions amd have been using sets ever since. Anyway I thought Id give it a go again this year and see what happens. They have been in about a week now, but no signs of growth yet.

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